Serian Strauss



We come from a long line of Warriors 

Serian LETI Strauss is a liberatory coach, teacher and facilitator who honors the profoundly healing connection between individual and collective, past and present, ancestors and self, spirit and our Planet. As a child of Oya, the fierce warrior of fairness and clearing, she is here to support other Black, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+ and Immigrant folks to transform fear into courage so that they can take action to live their destined life. She believes that collective liberation is inherently connected to the empowered expression of the individual and vice- versa—because when one person shines brightly as they are, others can see the way.

📍 LOCATION: San Leandro, California

INTERESTS: Martial arts, gardening and cooking

🌎 LANGUAGES: English, Swahili


Nitika Raj


Mohamad Chakaki